Monday, October 18, 2010

Family Time

We had a special treat on Saturday out to lunch
with the family.
Uncle Tupac took us to one of
his favorite spots.
Josiah already has a full belly and is
knocked out !
Waiting patiently for our order.
Auntie Rae and Auntie Tiff.
Uncle Tupac and Auntie Rae
Jalen and Josiah make this picture
Bar-be-que rib dinner!
Crispy, crunchy, fried perch with brown-
sugary sweet baked beans!
BBQ chicken dinner with baked beans and potato
salad was a hit too!
Please pass the grub!
A place to remember!
Then we visited with relatives from
my dad's side...
Here I am with my two "little" cousins
Keith and Kevin!
Here's their mom (my dad's sister)
Aunt Myra with CeCe(friend of the family) and
yours truly.

Visiting Aunt Myra in her new home!
Congratulations Aunt Myra!
We'll be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sis!

    This is Beth (Meye) Fisher. I found your site via the Burtt's.
    I really enjoyed your pictures -- you all are looking so beautiful.

    I am sorry to read of your family's loss. I pray that you'd all be comforted in this time. Thank him for bravely serving the country at the highest cost.
    God bless,
