Friday, May 20, 2011

Field Day!

Who says we can't have a Field Day without

having a Friday School?

Perish the thought!

Homeschoolers have a lot of pinned-up


no phys-ed...

no swim class...

no recess...

This was a time to break free...

To let loose...

To run at top speed through an

obstacle course...

Breaking world records!

Breaking legs!


Thankfully there were no broken bones,

no twisted ankles,

no blood,

no mad dash to the ER!


Just a lot of fun!

We were able to help out this year.

Everyone had a blast dashing through the dandelions!

There was the blue team...

And the red team...

There was tug of war...

the all-time Fav...

Spoke tackle...


Steal the bacon, which is a great competetive game of

strength and will.

It has even been known to cause a few injuries
in the past, but we had a good referee...

Thanks Jacob K!

The moms cheered!

And helped maintain a peaceable
environment between

the two rivals...

Auntie Dawn did this single handledly

all while keeping the little babe

in the tummy warm,

and full of happy treats!

She must be a Super Mom!

Unfortunately, after such a wonderful
day there was an unforgettable


Just when the mouth juices were flowing...
and the stomache acids gurgling

in the ultimate anticipation


of Gooey Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza...


The ants were rejoicing!

Poor Abby!

= (

All in all wonderful memories were made!

Same time same place next year guys!

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