Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great time with family!
So much fun and cooking
were going on that we forgot the pictures.
Here are a few...

Can you believe last year this time the
day before Thanksgiving,
Auntie Rashawn went to the ER and was told she
had lost the baby.

When we met that Thanksgiving day they had
 peace, trusting God's perfect will.

We all thought the baby was gone...

but God had another plan!
There is much to be thankful for!

At the end of the night everyone was

"O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good:
for His mercy endureth forever."

The next day we prepared for the upcoming

Oh Christmas tree...

Oh Christmas tree...

How lovely are your branches!


  1. Oh niece of mine, oh niece of big the beat down will be! Brit, couldn't you have found another picture to demonstrate how exhausted everyone was at Thanksgiving? Or, how about just focus in on the bundle of joy that we are all thanking the Lord for? If only you had zoomed in on the baby just a tad. But no! You had to include the hag of an aunt in the picture. This is A MESS!! ~ Auntie Tiffani

  2. We have a baby genius in the family! I looked at Hunter's Happenings and saw the baby identifying parts of the human anatomy! This is soooo exciting. For some reason, I couldn't post a comment on Rae's site but I am thrilled to be able to post it somewhere!! We are going to have him doing simple division by the age of one...!! ~ Auntie Tiffani
