Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Ladies Christmas party!

We did things a little differently this year,
and had a Ladies' Christmas Brunch
instead of an evening meal!
I think everyone enjoyed the change.

Many of our church ladies were there
with quite a few visitors too!
We remembered to take pictures
at the end of the brunch
as everyone was leaving.
But better late than never!

Rachel is our wonderful church secretary
who does an excellent job organizing!

Thanks Rachel!

  The decorations made a festive atmosphere...

Kim brought her beautiful handmade baskets.
The Lord has truly gifted her after losing
the use of her right side due to a
These are all made with her left arm!

It was nice to have this special time
at the Sheraton.
The chandeliers were gorgeous!

Dashing through the snow...

in a

 no horse

 open sleigh!

Karla and CeCe enjoyed themselves...


Brit is posing with the daughter of our
guest speaker...

then with Joanna and Tabitha...


something smells fishy around here!

Do I smell a picture hog?

Yep there she is again!

The Burtt Family does so much behind the scenes
They're a great blessing to us!
Lynn's sister looks like her twin...
only opposite
(is that an oxymoron?)

Lynn has brown hair...
her sister has blond.
Lynn has brown eyes...

and guess what her sister has?

You got it!

Other than that they're practically identical = )

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam!

    I hope you don't mind me snooping around your site from time to time.

    Oh how I miss all of you! I wish I could have been there.
    Brit is just a beautiful lady, just like her mom!
