Tuesday, October 4, 2011

End of Summer Review

The things that summer brings...
sung to the tune of
"These are a few of my favorite things"

Sitting at pool side...
...in warm summer sunshine.

Baby's soaked dia-per...
in chlorine filled wa-ter...

Birthdays with
 tied up with string...

...these are a few of my favorite things!

Baby's birth-day...
(tune~when the dog bites)
When the kids play...

Or when looking sad....

"I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel
Moving along- without the song...

The strawberry season brought lots of luscious
red berries!
So what do you do?
Strawberry shortcakes...
Fruit smoothies...
and the tried and true
Strawberry preserves!

Thanks to the wonderful example
and expert coaching of Mrs. Koski...
= )

 Brit tried her hand...

and learned to can!
 Unfortunately, a 'first-timer' boo-boo was made...

She didn't mash the berries,
so they floated to the top of the jars...
 But they are still quite delicious!
It was exciting to hear the lids popping...
(That's how you know the jars are successfully sealed!)
Great job Brit!
Gone are the days of weeding and gardening
for 2011...
Waah!!! = (
This was a day of yard beautification...
at least the attempt was made...
Bye- bye unsightly weeds!
Tools of the trade...
a gloved hand.
Mission accomplished!

Even Tom the turtle enjoyed the heat of summer...

This was his field day...
 He even had an obstacle course!

Unfortunately, Tom can not be left to himself...
No freedom to roam can be allowed.
Instead, he must be under close surveillance
lest he try to make a mad get away...
 Although he's a water turtle he's pretty quick on his feet.

 Even boundaries can't hem him in...
he's quite a determined little fellow.
Frisky had a great hope...
Just as he does every summer,
but alas
he can not be trusted beyond the glass.
NO outside for you kitty!

And here's one of Britany's end of the summer friends..
Mr. Mantis

These are the wonderful things
that summer brings

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